Adding LALRPOP to your Cargo.toml file

LALRPOP works as a preprocessor that is integrated with cargo. When LALRPOP is invoked, it will search your source directory for files with the extension lalrpop and create corresponding rs files. So, for example, if we have a file calculator.lalrpop, the preprocessor will create a Rust file As an aside, the syntax of LALRPOP intentionally hews fairly close to Rust, so it should be possible to use the Rust plugin to edit lalrpop files as well, as long as it's not too picky (the emacs rust-mode, in particular, works just fine).

To start, let's use cargo new to make a new project. We'll call it calculator:

cargo new --bin calculator

We now have to edit the generated calculator/Cargo.toml file to invoke the LALRPOP preprocessor. The resulting file should look something like:

name = "calculator"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Niko Matsakis <>"]
edition = "2021"

[build-dependencies] # <-- We added this and everything after!
lalrpop = "0.22.0"

lalrpop-util = { version = "0.21.0", features = ["lexer", "unicode"] }

Cargo can run build scripts as a pre-processing step, named by default. The [build-dependencies] section specifies the dependencies for build scripts -- in this case, just LALRPOP.

The [dependencies] section describes the dependencies that LALRPOP needs at runtime. All LALRPOP parsers require at least the lalrpop-util crate.

Next we have to add itself. For those unfamiliar with this feature, the file should be placed next to your Cargo.toml file and not inside the src folder with the rest of your Rust code. This should just look like the following:

fn main() {

The function process_root processes your src directory, converting all lalrpop files into rs files, and saving them to OUT_DIR. It is smart enough to check timestamps and do nothing if the rs file is newer than the lalrpop file, and to mark the generated rs file as read-only. It returns an io::Result<()>, so the unwrap() call just asserts that no file-system errors occurred.

The lalrpop_mod! macro generates a wrapper module in your crate so that you can use the generated parser from your code. For example, if the source grammar is located in grammar.lalrpop, adding the following line to will create a corresponding grammar submodule (note that you can also add this line to a module definition instead, which will then create a submodule foo::grammar):

fn main() {


The code that LALRPOP generates sometimes falls afoul of code linters for cosmetic reasons which don't apply to macro generated code. Currently, there is not a blanket #[automatically_derived] attribute in the generated parser because action code provided by the user may be worth linting on. Users can provide any number of attributes which they would like applied to the generated module. This is particularly useful for suppressing noisy lints.

fn main() {