Location Tracking

Sometimes it may be helpful to know where in the input stream a particular token was encountered. For example, this can be useful when generating user-visible messages that reference specific points in the input.

This is achieved via the location tracking macros, @L and @R. @L binds the start position - in bytes - of the token immediately to its right in the input stream. Similarly, @R binds the index of the last byte plus one of the token immediately to its left. Both symbols bind as type usize

Here's an example rule using location tracking macros:

Symbol = {
    <start: @L> <s: r"a-z"> <end: @R> => {
        // `start` is the byte location of the start of our string
        // `s` is the string itself
        // `end` is the byte location of the end

You can also see another example in this test, where location tracking is wrapped in a macro.

Since @R2 binds to the index of the byte immediately to the right of the token, this makes the bound values suitable to immediately construct a Range which is bounded inclusively above and exclusively below:

Symbol: Range<usize> = {
    <start: @L> <s: r"a-z"> <end: @R> => {